Rosa Salazar

As part of Microsoft's KIN ad campaign, they choose Rosa Salazar, a Facebook user to travel around and meet people within her online social network. See Microsoft's YouTube KIN channel. Rosa is a really cute gal! Besides Rosa Salazar's Facebook prifile, she's now got her own Facebook page. I honestly hope people don't end up stalking her on Facebook (although I do concede that I am helping putting her out there, but I think her being part of Microsoft's ad campaign has already done that.)

Visiting a guy who 'poked' her on Facebook.

ST. PAUL, MN from kinphone on Vimeo.

Here she is visiting her ex-boyfriend.

MEMPHIS, TN from kinphone on Vimeo.

Rosa visits a guy who flirts with her online.

LOS ANGELES, CA from kinphone on Vimeo.

Appearantly, she's done some stuff on YouTube.

CollegeHumor Originals: Dangerous Wands (Rosa appears around 0:45s)

Considering that Microsoft pulled a Kin ad over concerns that it advocated sexting (texting/sms-ing about sex on a cell phone), this following parody video ('Let's talk about sext') starring Rosa Salazar is pretty funny.

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